Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July

We are all getting back to normal now that Jason is home from Germany. He had a good time working in Munich and Hamburg. He wasn't gone for too long so that is nice. We enjoyed the long weekend together hanging out. Trinity is eating yams this week and enjoying them. I still think we get more on her face then in her mouth. She has two teeth popping through on the bottom so that has made for some interesting moments. Usually just a little cranky and some tylenol for the pain and she is back to normal. We were very low key for our 4th of July. We made some yummy burgers, corn and grilled peaches. That was a great afternoon. In the morning we went to the dog park and Cash was acting more like a cow grazing on the grass rather then chasing the ball. Our city was putting on a concert/vendors/play time stuff and fireworks so we decided we would go walk around. On our way there it was lightning, dark and windy. Our Monsoon season decided to hit right then. Thankfully it cooled a lot of things down but we decided we would take our yogurt and go home. This was good b/c Trinity is already sound asleep and the fireworks aren't due to go off for another 30 minutes.

Today we did lots of normal stuff that we do everyday b/c of the freedom that we have in this great country. We are very greatful for the men and women serving both past and present and they are in our continued prayers. THANK YOU!!!!!!

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