Jeremiah 29:11

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Summer Fun!!

It seems like summer is flying by too quickly. We are enjoying our heat and laugh when its 101 and we think its a beautiful night!! Trinity is enjoying peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, bananas, pears and peaches. She also likes rice cereal but prefers her oatmeal. So far these are the foods she likes... some more than others but she hasn't outright refused any.

We put a little snapset pool up in the back yard and Trinity loves it!! I think she just might take after her mama with the love of water!!! We sat in the pool and she kicked and kicked more. For an hour straight she was kicking and kicking. When we came inside I took her for a bath to wash the sunscreen off. She got in the bath and half the water ended up on Jason and I and the floor. She was kicking like she was in the pool, with a smile on her face and focused on the water splashing up.

Trinity started saying mamamamamama mamamamama. We didn't know if it counted but then I picked her up out of her crib and I got big smile and slobbery kiss and heard mmmmmmama!! Such pretty little words from the sweetest voice. Needless to say I counted it as her first word!

Little pieces of her personality start to show through different activities. We decided she has a little goofy side to her. Her daddy and mommy are both total goofs so its probably shared. She will grab the blanket I am reaching for and roll up in it all while looking at me with a funny smile and laughing. On the changing table she grabs the curtains and I think is playing her own version of peeka boo all with smiles and giggles. She thinks she is sooooooo funny. As her Daddy says "your mama laughs all the time."

This past week Jason had a half day at work and surprised us by coming home early. This let me go out and I decided out with the old.... I got most of my hair chopped off!! Its great in this heat but I have to figure out how to pin some back for workouts!! All in all we are doing great and having a fun summer!! No big plans coming up so we shall see what we can figure out!!

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