Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Baby Food

Each day Trinity is getting better with opening her mouth and realizing its food she is getting. She smiles when she sees her bowl and spoon so that is all good things. She has done great with rice cereal and is eating alot of it. We had fun doing sweet potatoes this week. She absolutely loves the sweet potato. One sweet potato made enough for the week so that is fantastic. I had a lot of fun making it and knowing what she is eating!!! We haven't decided what her next veggie will be but we will go to the farmers market on Saturday and see what organic produce they have. Trinity has finally started to love one of her new videos (now we will be singing all these worship songs for a month and then on to the next hahaha). She watches half of the worship video before her morning nap and sometimes the other half before her evening nap.

Cash has his bandaged paw this week (I can take the bandage off on Wednesday). He was being crazy cash running all around the yard and we think he got his paw caught on the rocks. It was flapping and getting infected as Cash kept licking it. He has some pain pills and antibiotics and seems to be doing just fine!!

This week should be fun. We will have some pool time at my friends house as we are feeding her dogs while she is out of town!!! Lots of fun!!!

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