Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Getting Sooooo BIG!!!

It amazes me how she changes and what she can do from one day to the next. She rolls herself all around and reaches for her toys. She is pushing a little bit with her toe so she might just figure out how to crawl. She is practicing sitting by herself for 5 to 10 seconds at a time. The Dr. told us she could have a sippy cup. She immediately put it in her mouth (to chew) then had a funny face as she couldn't determine what was inside. Today she tried some Gerber puffs, like cheerios but they dissolve faster... she really thought this was neat especially when Cash came and licked them up!!! She is so very social and just wants to talk ALL the time. She typically wakes up talking and has a hard time going down b/c she is talking. I will have her wrapped up snug and rocking her while she coo's until her eyes close. She loves reading books and going for walks in the babybjorn (so she can see everything-- blowing trees are her favorite). She went in this week for a Dr. weigh in visit (since she is tiny). She is back on the weight chart which pleased the doctor.. weighing in at 14.5lbs. She is still small but back on the weight scale so that is good news!!! She is a joy and I am so glad I get to hear her giggles, see her smiles and get slobbery kisses from her every day!!! Life is Good!!!!

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