Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Lots of new experiences!!!

How quickly time goes by and how fast a baby grows up. Trinity is now sitting like a champ. She loves to sit and play and when she is ready to lay down and play she will just lean back and then giggle with success. We met a new friend in our neighborhood. She has a daughter Trinity's age and stays home. We are trying to meet once a week and hopefully will do a bible study together. Trinity started to say dadadada.. quite consistently now which just melted Jason when he heard it. His face was so funny... a mix of pride and love..wish I had a picture of that precious moment (wrapped around her finger). Today was a BIG Sunday for myself and Trinity. I didn't know which one of us was going to cry more. Thankfully, we both made it okay. It was nursery day. I talked to the lady who runs the nursery earlier in the week as I signed up for a Tuesday morning women's bible study. She runs the nursery during that time. I figured it would be good for Trinity to get use to it before it starts in September. Trinity did great she apparently ate ALL her snacks I sent (at home its a like a 2 day supply... haha). They gave me a little pager and it will vibrate if they need me (it didn't go off). Jason and I enjoyed our church service together and then picked up a very happy baby!!! We went out for Sunday lunch at Cracker Barrel and Trinity ate her bananas and oatmeal and was sooo giggly and kept saying "Dadadadadada".... We came home at 1230 and as I type both Jason and Trinity are napping away!!! What a wonderful blessed day!

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