Jeremiah 29:11

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Airplanes and Family

Trinity went on her very first airplane ride to Michigan to see Tabitha graduate. We are so proud of her. Trinity was a wonderful airplane baby. She charmed everyone with her smiles before we boarded then slept during most of the flight. Trinity met the remaining aunts, uncles and all of her cousins. She had a special time with her Great Grandparents. Great Grandma Van Goor just smiled and loved on Trinity. Grammy and PaPa couldn't get enough of her smiles and giggles. She was able to see her grandparents and meet some of our friends. We all had a wonderful time with everyone. We took lots of pictures so enjoy the photo book.


  1. I enjoyed looking at the pictures. I can't believe how much your younger two nieces have grown up. They were so sweet with Trinity. Trinity has the prettiest smile, by the way (takes after her mama).

  2. I don't know why my google name is "yummy"- definitely need to change that if I start blogging.

  3. It was so fun to see you and meet Trinity! She is adorable! I love the picture of Clara and Trinity looking at each other. :)
