Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Girl and her Dog

We have settled in back at home and are enjoying the hot hot summer. Trinity is sleeping through the night from 9 to 11 hours a night and taking a couple 2 to3 hour naps a day. This has been great!! She is discovering new things and delights in them. I met an old Calvin friend in town at the pool and Trinity enjoyed dipping her toes in the water but mostly wanted to be held. We tried out her bikini in the tub ahead of time (it comes with special bottoms.. b/c she too tiny for the swim diapers) and it worked great!!! Trinity loves sitting up and playing in her bumbo chair. It gives her more stability so she can look around and play. She has discovered that Cash is funny. The more she giggles at him the more he tries to make her laugh by jumping all around her. All in all we are doing great!!! She will be 6 months old on Wednesday, I can't believe she is half a year old already. On Thursday she goes for her check up and gets more immunization shots (so not fun!!! Jason comes to hold her down for the mean nurse to poke her while I wait outside with sheer terror on my face). We look forward to a peaceful week and are excited to celebrate Fathers day next Sunday with Daddy. * if the video does not play on the email copy go directly to the blog site and it should download and play when you click on it*

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