Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, December 6, 2010

Operation "get baby out" is under way

Sorry for sideways pictures... I rotated them and I can't rotate them back. I'm not using my computer for this so I'm a bit special. Please turn head to view them. hahahaha

We had a fun weekend. On Friday night we got our real Christmas tree for the living room (a noble fur). We had fun decorating it and listening to Christmas music. Now we have two trees to enjoy. The little fake one is dedicated to the baby this year. It has all bright colored fun ornaments on it and all the "baby first christmas ornaments" people have given us and we bought one.

On Saturday it was Jasons work Christmas party at the bowling lane (a.k.a mission bowl baby out). It was a lot of fun with good food/people and bowling (however baby was not bowled out so unsuccessful).

Sunday we spent around the house and decided to walk around the desert museum (a.k.a walk baby out... also unsuccessful). We ended Sunday with some spicy mexican food (yes yes.. mission ..burn baby out with spicy food.. and I do not recommend that.. if the baby is stubborn only you will pay for this one).

Monday we had our Dr. appointment. I didn't do much all day before that and yet my feet still were swollen enough that the Dr. realized its uncomfortable to walk around with feet two times the appropriate size. So we had some fun tests run which were cool b/c we could hear the baby heartbeat the whole hour. Tests all came back just fine. The baby is doing great and I am fine as well!!! So to alleviate the swelling... I will be hanging out at home... a.k.a mission bedrest so my feet aren't so swollen when I go into labor I can't walk to the car... :) :) haha-- I suppose this will be good sleeping and reading time for me!!

Anyway.. all is well and according to what the Dr. says... everything progressing and baby should come by Christmas (if she is left to do her thing) If Dr. intervenes she will be here by her due date!!! Either way we are eager and excited.

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