Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. We were both off from work for at least 4 days (I still have monday off :) .... On Thanksgiving we had a wonderful grits casserole breakfast and biscuits to start the day. We were able to relax at home/watching the parade and being thankful for the many gifts and blessings we have received this year. We have wonderful friends and family and are blessed with a healthy little girl who is still cooking away. We went to our neighbors house for Thanksgiving dinner. It was awesome as usual...... and I was requested to bring red velvet cupcakes so made it very easy for me!!! We had a wonderful time and ate way too much!!!!

This weekend instead of shopping out in the craziness we opted to hang out at home and decorate the house. We watched the Iron Bowl and the Michigan game...... and ate leftovers. We have our tiny fake tree up (this one I got last year when I was by myself...) we have dedicated this one as our baby tree. It has fun baby ornaments on it and is tiny enough to make it cute just for her. Next weekend we will get our real tree. Jason worked hard and put up outside lights (my favorite). The outside lights are the big bulb colored lights.... they look kind of white in the picture.

We also took the time to go out just us... we figured the time is drawing near that we won't be going out as a twosome very often so we should take advantage of it. Only 19 days until her due date... we are very excited!!!

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