Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, December 26, 2010

"Whats in a name" and Merry Christmas!!!

I forgot in the last blog to talk about her name. Many people have asked us about Trinity Carolina's name and inspiration etc.. behind it. First off we have very different tastes in names which we knew before we became pregnant. A few years ago while at a church function we met a visitor with a 10 year old daughter named Trinity. I immediately loved the name and told Jason that we should name our daughter that, if he liked it. Such a common name for me and with good memories as I went to Trinity school and Trinity Church in Alabama. Once we became pregnant and found out it was a girl we both agreed on Trinity. We also had been thinking of special middle names. We decided that she is a special little girl and wanted her middle name to honor a very special man. Grandpa Gates first name is Carroll and he is a wonderful man who has touched our lives. Her middle name is a rendition of his name. Carolina will always have a piece of her Great Grandpa touching her life and we pray she has his kind heart!!!
Merry Christmas
We had a wonderful Christmas Eve. We went to our neighbors family dinner with seafood and fun. We came home and had a wonderful night because Trinity put herself on a nice sleep schedule that allowed us to get sleep in 3 hour increments!! We woke up very refreshed and enjoyed opening our stockings. Next Jason made eggs benedict for our brunch (my favorite).. he did it very well... complete with an olive and paprika on top (the way it was made for me growing up). Trinity went down for a nap and we opened up wonderful Christmas presents from family and friends and feel very blessed!!! We ended the night with a walk around the block, watching the sunset in 75 degree weather.

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