Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Welcome Trinity

On Monday 12/13/2010 the Doctor advised us that he would induce us the afternoon of the 14th. Very excited about meeting our new bundle we spent the next hours doing things to prepare. We went into the hospital around 1pm and I was immediately put on pitocin to induce contractions. The Dr. came in at 5pm and saw that I was reading a magazine and had not gotten an epidural he stated "well that is not real labor if she is reading a magazine we need to up that pitocin." Shortly after I indeed asked for my epidural. God bless the inventor of that whole procedure. I slept for about 2 hours as did Jason.
No reason to traumatize anyone... 19 hours later with 3 straight hours of pushing the Dr. came in and stated well... what do you think about getting her out in one contraction... "YES PLEASE!!" Two contractions later she was here. On 12/15/2010, at 8:58am, Trinity Carolina blessed us with her presence at 9lbs 2oz and 20 inches long.

They could not regulate my blood pressure after birth so we were not released the next day. We were ready to leave on Friday but Trinity looked a bit jaundice so she got the blue light special. On Saturday we were told both her and I met the requirements and could now go home. Saturday night we got home around 7pm and feel blessed.
We had wonderful Doctors and nurses and are grateful for all the prayers through this journey. We know that you will continue to pray for our family and Trinity. We will keep this blog going as our journey continues.. so keep looking back for updates and pictures.

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