Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Family Vacation to San Diego

We took a wonderful vacation to San Diego. Jason had to work for just a short part of it but was a wonderful excuse for us to get out of Tucson. We got to our hotel which was near a football stadium and found out the San Diego Chargers were staying in our hotel... I think the ones trying out for the team. Trinity loved the big guys and would smile and flirt with them in the elevator and lobby. She loved it when they gave her any attention. We went downtown and had the "Tin Fish" famous fish and chips with live music playing. We went shopping and had a ton of fun. We went to the sea port village area and harbor. We had a great time walking along the water, looking at big boats and fun shops. Trinity rode the carousel ... it was made in 1865. She chose the Giraffe and danced to the music.

We went to the Pacific Ocean and visited the dog beach. Trinity was very entertained and laughed at all the crazy dogs racing around. Later in the week we went to the beach and boardwalk area and enjoyed the day(apparently they had a great white shark sighting that day... ) the water was too cold to go in anyway.

We went to Sea World a few times because it was so much fun (we had passes for a week). We went to shamu show, sea lion show, whale/dolphin show and the pet show. Trinity loved them all and actually watched them. She would smile and dance and jump when one of the sea animals jumped out of the water.

We have determined Trinity has a 3rd word. It is CASH...... when we got home from San Diego.. she has said.... AAAAAAAAAAAASH.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH... non stop. So we can add that to mama and dada...:) Enjoy the pictures... we certainly enjoyed our time.

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