Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Baby Food

Each day Trinity is getting better with opening her mouth and realizing its food she is getting. She smiles when she sees her bowl and spoon so that is all good things. She has done great with rice cereal and is eating alot of it. We had fun doing sweet potatoes this week. She absolutely loves the sweet potato. One sweet potato made enough for the week so that is fantastic. I had a lot of fun making it and knowing what she is eating!!! We haven't decided what her next veggie will be but we will go to the farmers market on Saturday and see what organic produce they have. Trinity has finally started to love one of her new videos (now we will be singing all these worship songs for a month and then on to the next hahaha). She watches half of the worship video before her morning nap and sometimes the other half before her evening nap.

Cash has his bandaged paw this week (I can take the bandage off on Wednesday). He was being crazy cash running all around the yard and we think he got his paw caught on the rocks. It was flapping and getting infected as Cash kept licking it. He has some pain pills and antibiotics and seems to be doing just fine!!

This week should be fun. We will have some pool time at my friends house as we are feeding her dogs while she is out of town!!! Lots of fun!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Fathers Day

We had a wonderful week and celebrated Jason/Daddy the whole time. We started with a surprise gift card present that tipped him off to buy his grill. Our old one was very tiny and had blown over one to many times in wind storms. Jason was super excited and purchased a grill that weighs in at 145lbs.... haha.. I don't think it will be falling over any time soon. We then grilled almost every meal we had this past week (I told him he needed practice b/c the entire meal on Fathers day would be grilled.. haha). Jason and I took Trinity for her 6 month check up. She is a tiny peanut and adorable. Weighing in at 12lbs and 15oz. She had her updated vaccinations with her daddy holding her secure. The Doctor gave us the go ahead on rice cereal.... then veggies and then fruit.

We had a fathers day pizza treat when we met up with Uncle Phil and Aunt Joyce (cousins Becca and her husband Gavin). Picazzos pizza was giving a free small pizza to all dads on saturday.

Trinity had her first bites of rice cereal. At first more was on her face/ear/nose then in her mouth. However, today she is eating it like a champ. I think we have all figured it out a little more. Cash was extremely excited that Trinity was eating food. He has one more person to beg from and he was super excited and kept circling her high chair.

FATHERS DAY--- a daddy to a beautiful baby girl and of course a rambunctious dog... CASH

Today we woke up and Jason and Trinity hung out and cuddled in the morning. We all got ready for church and headed in. Trinity sat with Jason for half of the service and then fell asleep. We came home and grilled mexican style corn, black pepper steaks, mangos and SMORES. Yes we made a meal on the grill!!!! It was lots of fun, both of us could not remember the last time we had smores!!!! Jason loves his new grill and steam cleaning grill brush!!! Cash got daddy a card that told him "I got you a present daddy... i left it in the yard." hahahahaha


1. bouncing on the exercise ball to get her to sleep

2. many sleepless night walking in the kitchen

3. pacing in the cul de sac looking at nature

4. reading books on the floor

5. singing in the bath tub

6. laughing with tummy zurburts

7. night time prayers

8. floor time with both Cash and Trinity (someone getting a belly rub)

9. tiny buttons on tiny clothes... hahahaha

10. buying her .. her first real hair bow

I am married to a wonderful husband and I couldn't ask for a better Daddy to share in this journey.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Girl and her Dog

We have settled in back at home and are enjoying the hot hot summer. Trinity is sleeping through the night from 9 to 11 hours a night and taking a couple 2 to3 hour naps a day. This has been great!! She is discovering new things and delights in them. I met an old Calvin friend in town at the pool and Trinity enjoyed dipping her toes in the water but mostly wanted to be held. We tried out her bikini in the tub ahead of time (it comes with special bottoms.. b/c she too tiny for the swim diapers) and it worked great!!! Trinity loves sitting up and playing in her bumbo chair. It gives her more stability so she can look around and play. She has discovered that Cash is funny. The more she giggles at him the more he tries to make her laugh by jumping all around her. All in all we are doing great!!! She will be 6 months old on Wednesday, I can't believe she is half a year old already. On Thursday she goes for her check up and gets more immunization shots (so not fun!!! Jason comes to hold her down for the mean nurse to poke her while I wait outside with sheer terror on my face). We look forward to a peaceful week and are excited to celebrate Fathers day next Sunday with Daddy. * if the video does not play on the email copy go directly to the blog site and it should download and play when you click on it*

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Airplanes and Family

Trinity went on her very first airplane ride to Michigan to see Tabitha graduate. We are so proud of her. Trinity was a wonderful airplane baby. She charmed everyone with her smiles before we boarded then slept during most of the flight. Trinity met the remaining aunts, uncles and all of her cousins. She had a special time with her Great Grandparents. Great Grandma Van Goor just smiled and loved on Trinity. Grammy and PaPa couldn't get enough of her smiles and giggles. She was able to see her grandparents and meet some of our friends. We all had a wonderful time with everyone. We took lots of pictures so enjoy the photo book.