Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Weekend Fun

Last weekend we had a very swift visit to Michigan. It was great to be able to see family and friends and celebrate our Baby Girl. We had a wonderful shower that Mary and Ginny put together!! When we got home the baby bjorn arrived (Jason's favorite gift). You can see him trying it out with Ziggy the bear.
We arrived back home in time to celebrate our 3 year anniversary. I actually surprised Jason and got him a dual wine cooler which he loves.

This weekend we went to the Baby store and ordered our dresser/changer and the cradle. Hopefully those items will arrive this week sometime and we can pick them up. We dropped Cash off at the groomers while we went out on Saturday. We were called an hour later.... Cash is blacklisted from this groomer.... this is the SECOND place. Everyone says he is a calm sweet dog until you put him in a bathtub or get clippers near him. So we had a frustrated groomer that he nipped at (the last one he donkey kicked in the face) and a relieved dog to go home. He is half groomed and very happy about that. So I bought some dog trimmers and I will practice on him until I'm good at it... and he knows better then to donkey kick me. :) :)
All in all we are glad to be home, de-stress and enjoy our time preparing for the baby.

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