Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Lots of boxes to recycle

We had a great weekend. On Friday night we had a social with goodies for all the soon -to -be church members. The house we went to was incredible and has the most amazing views (its for sale, so we looked it up... just about 600 grand out of our price range). They were awesome hosts and we loved it!!!
Saturday we made a trip to the baby store to pick up items that we had ordered. All of the items we ordered and have shown put together were given to us by family and friends. We just had to order them b/c they don't ship to the house and are not in storage at the store. We feel very blessed by everyone who has celebrated with us. Thank you so much it is all beautiful!! Next will be pictures of our little girl using all of them (we will see which ones she likes the best... i have been told they can be picky :) :) haha)
Jason spent the afternoon putting together the cradle, and baby swing. When a neighbor came home they helped lift the dresser/changer into the house (we decided it would be best if I did not try). At last, we can see our living room/dining room floor. 99% of the baby stuff is put away!!!! We have very little left and her room is ready!!!

On Sunday we officially became members of our church! We had another small reception afterwards with lots of people welcoming the new members class.
I included some photos from this weekend and some things we haven't put up yet!!!

The baby is doing well and growing!!! She takes up my lung space and enjoys giving me heartburn from breathing and drinking water (I have found there is only so many tums a person can physically take). All in all we are great!!! 47 days....... :)

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