Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Birthday Weekend

This weekend we celebrated Jasons birthday (which is monday) but I work on monday b/c i shifted days off for travel this coming weekend. He has the day off and will enjoy playing golf with friends.
We forgot the camera but had a lot of fun at the desert museum walking around in the wonderful 85 degree weather!!!! For dinner I made him my pot roast and decadent chocolate cupcakes (they are awesome I already ate 2 and so did he).

We are starting to hang pictures in the nursery and rearrange to see how we like things.

Our awesome neighbors... Judy made 3 gorgeous blankets and 3 beanie hats for the baby. They are so pretty and so soft!!!! Blessed with awesome neighbors.. they help us with anything and everything :) !!!
We are looking forward to our Michigan trip.. it will be swift and sweet!!! See alot of you very soon!!

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