Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

Morning time in our house!! Trinity points out his eyes and ears etc...
Mid afternoon in our house... Trinity has removed her shirt and refuses to put it back on!!

Bath time... Sawyer has a tendency to get so comfy in his bath he falls asleep!!

Washing the van with Daddy

Trinity was so excited to be helping!!!

Trinity assisting Sawyer with his Pacifier (she thinks its fun to take it out too)

Erin came to visit!! such a treat.. Trinity misses her playmate!!
Erin sat on the ball and Trinity went to go get her ball to sit on too!!!

Time for the Pumpkin Patch

Loved giving the pig hay

Getting ready for the jumping pillow

Not to certain about jumping

Starting to have fun!!

Won't let go of Daddy

Jumping and waving their arms in the air!! Both of them having a blast!!

Tractor ride to pick a pumpkin or 3...

This one Daddy!!!

I got it ... I don't need any help.. just LIFT..

Maybe I sit on that one and hold this little one

Yeah!!! holding her pumpkin tight!!

Pumpkin Patch Family :)

Trinity had a blast!! All smiles!!

October is almost done and we managed to have a lot of fun despite a few colds going through the family. Erin came to visit and that was a blast. She was a big help and even watched both kids to give Jason and I a date night (belated anniversary dinner out). That was a wonderful gift!!! We had fun talking and catching up and of course playing with Trinity and holding Sawyer. We miss her already!! This weekend we felt like everyone's colds had lifted enough to go enjoy the pumpkin patch down the road (seriously like 2 miles away). Trinity LOVED the petting zoo... she saw goats, ponies, cows, ducks and pigs!!! Jason and Trinity went jumping on the huge jumping pillow before our tractor ride to pick a pumpkin. We ended with a picnic lunch and then came home for some much needed NAPS. We are looking forward to the cooler weather and more park days and playtime outside!!!

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