Jeremiah 29:11

Saturday, December 31, 2011

The end of a Great Year!!

What an amazing year it has been in 2011. It has been full of excitement, fun, travel, sleepless nights and lots of laughter. God has blessed us throughout this year. This December we celebrated Trinity's birthday and had a big party!! Then it was time to prepare for Christmas! Jason decorated the house outside and we had a lights extravaganza!!! We continued this inside with 4 Christmas trees and lights all over. Trinity LOVED the lights and would point at them smiling (so we put a tree in her room). We went to a fun "snow fall" at an outdoor mall.... yes .. I said SNOW in Tucson....For some reason I was disappointed.... I told Jason I expected a blizzard like effect. Trinity enjoyed it because of the lights all around (snow machines blew snow for 15 minutes while a group of kids sang). For Christmas Eve we were blessed to be able to spend it with neighbors and friends with a big festive night of food and great company!!! Christmas day we had fun family time together opening up gifts and laughing as Trinity would take off with the paper or box around the room. We loved having Jason home for the long weekend and we get it again over the new year!! We are very thankful for our family and friends as this year comes to a close. Looking forward to a wonderful New Year and we know God will continue His blessings in our lives!!

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