Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, April 24, 2011

He Is Risen

We had a wonderful Easter weekend. We are blessed and know that Jesus rose from the dead and we celebrate our life in HIM!!

Trinity is now rolling over. She gets a little nervous after she rolls over and wants to go back. We woke up this morning and took our time getting ready. We went to a later church service and then ate at the Cracker Barrel for lunch. Trinity enjoyed her Easter basket goodies. It was filled with a snoopy beanie baby that plays music, a couple of outfits that both Jason and I put in and 2 books. One book of puppies and one that has all the verses of Jesus Loves Me. Trinity is enjoying her stroller rides out and about. Jason and I took her for a run the other day. It was nice for all of us to go jogging together and we are hoping for more of that!!!

1 comment:

  1. So cute! Felicia, you and Trinity have the same eye color! :)
