Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, April 24, 2011

He Is Risen

We had a wonderful Easter weekend. We are blessed and know that Jesus rose from the dead and we celebrate our life in HIM!!

Trinity is now rolling over. She gets a little nervous after she rolls over and wants to go back. We woke up this morning and took our time getting ready. We went to a later church service and then ate at the Cracker Barrel for lunch. Trinity enjoyed her Easter basket goodies. It was filled with a snoopy beanie baby that plays music, a couple of outfits that both Jason and I put in and 2 books. One book of puppies and one that has all the verses of Jesus Loves Me. Trinity is enjoying her stroller rides out and about. Jason and I took her for a run the other day. It was nice for all of us to go jogging together and we are hoping for more of that!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

My Uncles and Aunt came to town

This week was a lot of fun as Jason's brothers and our sister in law came to town. Mark, T.D. and Thea got to hold and love on their niece. Trinity loved all the attention from everyone and gave out lots of smiles. She came close to rolling over several times (her elbow gets in her way). We went out more this week then we ever have (with Trinity and she did great). We went to the desert museum and she lasted longer then the first time. She started in the stroller and ended in the baby bjorn. She went for 2 hours at the park which is great!! We all went out to dinner and we didn't have to rush to eat our mexican food!! She also made it through a chinese lunch!!!

Most of all she just loved being held and getting lots of love from family. She liked listening to Uncle Mark and Uncle T.D. play the guitar while she played on the floor. We had lots of fun this week!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Talking Trinity

We had more company this past week and had a great time. Grandpa and Beppa came to visit and enjoyed lots of smiles, giggles and cuddles from Trinity. She is now waking up in her crib and just "talking" away before we go in to pick her up. She can be quiet for a while and then out of no where she has the urge to tell you all about her day and goes on and on and on. We are really having fun with her. This weekend Jason has his relay race that he has been training for. He is excited and hoping to beat his time from last year. A week from Monday we are looking forward to more company. Uncle Mark, Aunt Thea and Uncle T.D. are coming to hang out and meet their new niece.