Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Erin came to visit!!!

We had a great week. Erin came to visit and hang out for a few days. Trinity was perfect the whole way to Phoenix and back. We also went out to dinner two times and to the Frost for gelato and she was wonderful. Erin was great..she became Cash's new best friend and Trinity loved a new play friend to love on her. I think we are all figuring out a routine and schedules. Jason has had to work over a few weekends and late nights so it was nice to have Erin around to chat and laugh with.

This week we are focusing on napping and not having to sleep in peoples arms or chests for a nap. I heard its usually a rough 3 to 5 days but then its like magic!!! I am praying for the magic!! She did let me sleep for 7 straight hours last night so that is amazing.. we shall see if I get a repeat tonight!!!
We have a play date scheduled for Thursday with some friends from church. We are looking forward to more outings and I am hoping for some stroller walks this week!!

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