Jeremiah 29:11

Saturday, December 31, 2011

The end of a Great Year!!

What an amazing year it has been in 2011. It has been full of excitement, fun, travel, sleepless nights and lots of laughter. God has blessed us throughout this year. This December we celebrated Trinity's birthday and had a big party!! Then it was time to prepare for Christmas! Jason decorated the house outside and we had a lights extravaganza!!! We continued this inside with 4 Christmas trees and lights all over. Trinity LOVED the lights and would point at them smiling (so we put a tree in her room). We went to a fun "snow fall" at an outdoor mall.... yes .. I said SNOW in Tucson....For some reason I was disappointed.... I told Jason I expected a blizzard like effect. Trinity enjoyed it because of the lights all around (snow machines blew snow for 15 minutes while a group of kids sang). For Christmas Eve we were blessed to be able to spend it with neighbors and friends with a big festive night of food and great company!!! Christmas day we had fun family time together opening up gifts and laughing as Trinity would take off with the paper or box around the room. We loved having Jason home for the long weekend and we get it again over the new year!! We are very thankful for our family and friends as this year comes to a close. Looking forward to a wonderful New Year and we know God will continue His blessings in our lives!!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Trinity's Turning 1!!!!!!

Wow, it has been almost a year already. I am not certain I can recall the first half of the year but the second half has been a blast. Since our Christmas baby's birthday is the 15th we decided to have her party this saturday (b/c of other Christmas obligations... but no worries she will get another cake on the 15th!!

We decided we would have a little gathering of friends to celebrate with us. We are all still alive after one year therefore we did something right!!!! Trinity had a pink theme right down to the pink sangria and strawberry margaritas. It is not advisable to give a baby either of those so she just had cake. Not just any cake but the cake her grandma used to make for her mama every year!!! I almost cried making the frosting... when she says whip it for at LEAST 5 minutes.. she is NOT kidding.. I had to dump back in and re whip like 5 times (I might have been running out of time.. so i thought faster whipping meant less time). We said no gifts b/c she had already been showered with gifts waiting for her (I believe the doorbell rang every day this past week). However, as you can see people still brought her gifts... they "just had too"!!! I don't believe she minded one bit!!! Trinity was so proper and just looked at the cake in front of her as we sang Happy Birthday. She tapped the frosting with her finger but still just looked. So I took a finger full and plopped it into her mouth. We got the first "mmmmmmmmmmmmmm" and well.. you can see she loved it (I wonder who she got her sweet tooth from)? We all had such a wonderful time we were exhausted. Trinity was in bed at 6:30 totally passed out. I was in bed at 8... we all got up at 4 (poor Trinity was still sleeping) so they could drop me off and I ran a half marathon. All in all we had a FULL, FUN, BLESSED weekend.

Jason and I have been blessed by our Trinity for a year (almost). So much joy, love , laughter, worry, sleeplessness.... the ups and downs of this first year will forever lay on our hearts. So thankful the Lord gave us this little girl to borrow, we can not imagine life without her!!!

JUST THANKFUL AND BLESSED..... she is still our best gift!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!