Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Crib and Nursery

We had a great weekend. We both needed some rest after the go go go of the last weekend. We bought her mattress (or I should say some gift cards and a coupon bought it). So we put the crib together with the bedding and Jason worked on the Mobil thingy for the bed. Cash was hilarious when we put the music on and he saw mini stuffed animals moving around. His head went from side to side and then he had to go in for a lick.
I couldn't figure out what to do with the cut out space above the closet but finally thought of an idea. I made the ABC blocks from fabric, wood letters and big green square styrofoam. I managed to adhere myself to the old table I was working on. Thankfully I did not work on the kitchen table!!!! The bucket was from my shower and the cute animal magnets on the bucket were off of my diaper cake (I through in flowers for some height). They were put to good use. We ordered our glider/ rocking chair and should have it in the next week or so .. we are blessed by giving family:) :) !!!! Stay tuned for next weekend we are hoping to have updated ultrasound pictures.

Monday, September 20, 2010

one more

This is the TPD shower on Saturday!!!!! The ladies are my good work friends.. Dawn is in pink shirt she is due in October, Maria in the middle is due in November, and then me in December!!! We had a wonderful time!!!

Crazy Weekend Fun

We had a wonderful and exhausting weekend. On Saturday we had a TPD work shower which was a lot of fun!!! Then on Sunday we celebrated my birthday and went up to Mount Lemmon for some fun. Today we had Jason's work shower... which was a lot of fun and incredibly decorated (my cousin, Becca and other ladies... so talented). We were given lots of wonderful gifts and had fun celebrating. These are a few photo's from each event :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Great News

Today our surprise ultrasound told us I am no longer high risk and it all looks good. She has grown sooooo much it is amazing!!! She is 1lb 14oz and on schedule for December 17, 2010. She is kicking like crazy and enjoys keeping me awake at night. She must think I need to practice insomnia... little does she know... :)

This is the best picture we got today!!!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Cash turned 3

Well Cash turned 3 years old this week!!! He wore his hat very patiently while awaiting his special birthday dinner (hotdog mixed with his food). He was also given a doggie bagel from the bagel shop!!! Needless to say we had one happy dog. He has also decided since turning 3 that he does not need to stay in his crate. The crate remains locked however he mysteriously is no longer inside when we return home. He is a good dog and hasn't destroyed anything so we are deciding that he just might get some freedom. There is an updated shot of my ever growing belly. Thankfully my belly button is still an innne... for now!!! We did only one thing to her room and that was add this sign that Jason really liked!!!! Happy Labor Day!!!