Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Weekend Adventure

We had a super saturday birthing class this weekend. We have the follow up class next saturday. It was full of lots of information, not certain I needed all of it but Jason says it is good to be well informed. We also painted Fairytale pink for the other half of the nursery. I used a spray primer for the bookshelf and realized the fumes were too much. I then put my riot gear gas mask to good use and continued the process. My project is still underway... but the painting of the nursery is done. Next week Jason might try the chair rail!!!! Oh and last but not least.. of course there is a picture of our very very RELAXED Cash... as he is in his favorite position to get his belly rubbed!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the colors! I'm not a pink person, but the green/pink, I mean "Lilypad/Fairytale Pink", combo looks awesome! Good call on the gas don't want baby getting high...
