Jeremiah 29:11

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Valance and Wall Flowers

This weekend we actually decided to take a break. That didn't last long, I talked Jason into doing the valance. I found these awesome flower lights the day we found out we were having a girl. They have green cords which made it a fun design. I figure she will never need a night light now (haha thankfully we can turn one on at a time). While I did this, Cash and Jason relaxed by the other wall in the room. :) You will notice paper on the bookshelf to hide her name. We have some wonderful books on her shelf that we received from family. We also got our muscial bouncer in the mail.. soo cute !! It is so much fun to receive gifts from our family and friends in the mail. All in all a very productive Saturday!!!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

This weekend was busy. Jason put some more blinds up in the house and finished the chair rail. He also put up her fan. I found the fan at Lowes and totally love it. When she gets older we can change the blades etc.. to white. I finished the 3 series paintings for the crib wall. First time I've ever attempted a series painting. It turned out cute... just don't get too close :) We also made a big haul to goodwill. This is important b/c I all of a sudden purged every closet and room in the house. Jason came home one day and we had no access from the front door or hallway (oooops). We are feeling well and doing great!!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Well it all seems to be coming together. Jason finished the chair rail and it looks great. I finished part one of the 3 part animal painting for her room. So far so good, I don't know why I picked such big canvases... (probably on sale). Jason is off to look at crown molding and see how he can make the corners work.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Chair Rail has begun

This weekend was our last baby birthing class. It was fun, still way too much information for me. I finished her princess bookshelf (her name in different color wooden letters are painted and will be at the top of the bookshelf). Until she is born we can't show you the complete bookshelf so this will do :) ... Jason went golfing and then came home and put up the chair rail. Next week he said he will do all the finishing touches to it. Everything looks good so far!!!
Jason also felt her kick for the first time this week!!! He was very excited!!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Weekend Adventure

We had a super saturday birthing class this weekend. We have the follow up class next saturday. It was full of lots of information, not certain I needed all of it but Jason says it is good to be well informed. We also painted Fairytale pink for the other half of the nursery. I used a spray primer for the bookshelf and realized the fumes were too much. I then put my riot gear gas mask to good use and continued the process. My project is still underway... but the painting of the nursery is done. Next week Jason might try the chair rail!!!! Oh and last but not least.. of course there is a picture of our very very RELAXED Cash... as he is in his favorite position to get his belly rubbed!!!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Cash found a monkey while we were cleaning and he decided to help us out by getting rid of it for us. He saw it on the bed and snuck up it very quietly and slowly like we wouldn't notice him. He grabbed it and slowly walked out of the room with it. He then took care of it for us. It's not taking up space anymore...

Preparing baby's room and guest room

Jason was busy painting the bottom part of her room "Lilypond" green while I started to re-do and clean our guest room (it became a storage room). We ended up having 4 bookshelves in the guestroom and no room for guests. You can tell Cash really wanted to help and had fun with the plastic!!