Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


sweet boy

they love eating snacks by the tree

about to meet santa


Trinity is telling him about the Care Bear and Sawyer wants to get away


I catch them on my tongue

One minute, I am busy taking a picture

Putting up the princess tent

cupcake time

Oh yes.. I had sugar

book time with grandma

Christmas Morning

I love how he sits IN the toy

My Care Bear

fun times with grandma

This is very late and behind.. but pictures galore.... Trinity turned 3 and is very much full of energy and fun. We are blessed with her constant stories and giggles. Trinity enjoyed the snow so far... Sawyer not so much. We had a wonderful Christmas and Grandma came to visit. We are enjoying the new year  and are busy but I hope to find more time to keep you all updated on the blog. Love from Virginia!!!!!!