Jeremiah 29:11

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Spring picnics and Easter egg hunt adventures

We are so thankful the weather has turned warmer and we can be outside. We are enjoying picnics and outdoor adventures. We were able to picnic along the Potomac with the cherry blossoms. The kids enjoyed feeding ducks their goldfish. Trinity was able to do a spring fashion show and she had a blast. She talked about her princess dress and makeup all day.
Today we went to a community Easter celebration. They had horse rides, ponies and a few animals to pet. Trinity loved the face painting and climbing the smaller tractors. Sawyer loved his BIG tractor ride. They both went to town picking up eggs. Through it all we are teaching Trinity in her words that Jesus died for her... she exclaims " yes, because he loves me and he comes back on Sunday".... :)
Enjoy lots of pictures to catch up!!!

Easter fun

covering her face in yellow pollen

watching ducks and the police boats

Mr. Pony do you the grass??

she loved riding Bob the horse

Sawyer loved the ducks... until...

until one flapped its wings and Sawyer bolted

Tractor riding with daddy

Face painted and a little sugar (they had a candy bar)

Trinity getting her make up

walk and spin... haha

her favorite part is the balloon

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


sweet boy

they love eating snacks by the tree

about to meet santa


Trinity is telling him about the Care Bear and Sawyer wants to get away


I catch them on my tongue

One minute, I am busy taking a picture

Putting up the princess tent

cupcake time

Oh yes.. I had sugar

book time with grandma

Christmas Morning

I love how he sits IN the toy

My Care Bear

fun times with grandma

This is very late and behind.. but pictures galore.... Trinity turned 3 and is very much full of energy and fun. We are blessed with her constant stories and giggles. Trinity enjoyed the snow so far... Sawyer not so much. We had a wonderful Christmas and Grandma came to visit. We are enjoying the new year  and are busy but I hope to find more time to keep you all updated on the blog. Love from Virginia!!!!!!