Jeremiah 29:11

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Trick or Treat and Fall Fun

Trick or treating this year was a lot of fun. Trinity loved it and insisted on "go to more houses, do it again"... so ended up dragging her bucket of candy home. Sawyer was so tired through the entire journey but sure did make a cute puppy. Trinity told everyone she was an owl and said "whooo whooo."
Today we went to a farm/playground and had a lot of fun. Lots of animals, slides and a two horses came to say hello. Trinity thought it was great and Sawyer did not appreciate the horse all up in his space. He scrunched his little legs up and started screaming. We are enjoying the weather and love all the Fall colors we haven't seen in quite a long time. We are so blessed and thankful for this season of life we are in!!!
the owl and puppy all ready to go

Trinity sitting in her favorite pile of leaves

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a walking puppy... talented!!!

Having so much fun!!

She says trick or treat all the way up to the door

Our last house.. we dragged the bucket down the stairs 

Sawyer squishing his legs up getting away from "Liam" the sweet horse

Trinity and I enjoyed petting Liam (note her two pairs of sunglasses she wears in her shirt)

Loves the slide

Cute boys

Just walking with daddy

Walking by himself

Trinity leaping off play ground ledges

Screaming "I am having so much fun"

Trinity riding the tractor like " Just like Pa Pa"

Love my sweet girl

giggles and fun