Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Bye Bye AZ hello VA

We made it to Virginia and have settled in to our new home and new environment. Moving with 2 kids and a dog was quite an adventure!! Convincing Trinity that we have a new home and can not just go next door to see our neighbors took a while. Thankfully God went before us and we have some wonderful friends here. The area we live in is very nice and so close to anything and everything you could want (so different). Our townhouse is nice (getting use to stairs) and we actually really like the heat and humidity. Trinity loves the community pool, and she starts swimming lessons this week. Sawyer started crawling and is moving all over. We had company and really enjoyed seeing Grandpa and Moma. Trinity still talks about feeding the animals with them. The nice thing is the petting zoo is 20 minutes down the road.... I think we will be stopping by quite a bit. We have been able to find a nice church with a wonderful children's program and are getting involved in some bible studies. We feel blessed and are looking forward to more adventures.
She loves being outside

Little man cooling off after playing outside

Trinity trying to eat a bubble

Happy Fathers day

Lets feed some goats

What day is it.......?

bottle feeding a goat

Grandpa helping...

Moma Moma Moma what day is it??? HUMP DAY.... hahaha

Giggles with Moma

Sawyer was mr cuddles...

4th of July

Trinity loved book time with Grandpa

Her favorite book... both Grandpa and Daddy can recite it!!!

Trinity likes to hold Sawyers hand while walking down the stairs