Jeremiah 29:11

Friday, May 17, 2013

Last Arizona Blog...

It must be said that a lot of amazing things have happened in Arizona.... an engagement.. a marriage.. a baby girl... a baby boy... and of course our puppy. We have amazing friends and an incredible church family. This is definitely going to be a place we will miss. Keep us in our prayers as we traverse the country with 2 kids and a dog... as we transition to a new place and meet new people and challenges.
Our last few weeks here have been full of family and friends. Grandma came to visit and meet Sawyer... she found a forever playmate with Trinity. Who knew boxes and ALL of Grandmas jewelry could be so entertaining for hours every day. It was such a special time!!
Grandma came with "presents"

Trinity thought everything was AWESOME

insisted on wearing all of her new bows... Grandma brought daddys old Curious George book!!

Grandma opening her card

meeting our sweet Sawyer

Desert Museum with Grandma

looking at flowers

The daddy taxi with her sunglasses on his shirt


piano time

A pajama morning

Loves his Grandma

Always sitting with Grandma

Love this picture :) giggles

My heart!! LOVE LOVE

Splash pad fun

with friends!!!

Looking COOL

FREEDOM.. no top mama

snacks with her best buddies

my mr chill