Jeremiah 29:11

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Firetrucks, Helicopters and Police Cars.... wahoooo

Today the Northwest Fire and local police departments had a fun free kids day in a huge parking lot. Trinity has been obsessed with Firetrucks and police cars lately so we figured it would be fun. Oh my goodness did we have a good time. Trinity was very timid about going inside things like the firehouse or on top of the firetruck.. but if one of us went first then she figured it was safe. We could never get her to sit on the police motorcycle.. but that's okay.. she did end up in the pack of a police car.. not so certain that is the appropriate location for her :) maybe she can drive later. If you notice her sideways smile in the most pictures.. that is her uncertain smirk... haha its hilarious!!! Sawyer loved being outside and he sat in the helicopter all by himself.. Mr. Handsome just smiled at everyone. Everyone seems to be nicely worn out for the day and sound asleep for what I hope is a long nap!!
She can't figure out why the string is under her chin

we told her to stand next to sparky.. see the smirk

inside the helicopter.. ummm her unsure smirk

safe.. daddy is right here :)

BIG firetruck.. she exclaims.. Goes so fast Daddy..

Little man having a blast too

Knowing whats been back there.. I can't believe I sat in it.. 

Hopefully the last time you see us in the back of a squad car
(you can see her collection of stickers/buttons has grown)

Picnic lunch break inside

Back at it.. "buttons Momma"

back and forth we go.. 

Dr. Snoopy  is helping in the ambulance

The most handsome Helicopter pilot EVER
To update on our move.. we will be heading to Ashburn, Virginia at the end of May. Jason will start work a few days after we arrive. We are very excited. There is a pool and playground in walking distance... and stores nearby (so excited for that.. as we are more isolated out this way). We feel so blessed that God is giving us this opportunity and new adventure. Pray for safety and no stress as we all transition.