Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Covenant Child

"Let the children come to me"  Matthew 19:14

Sawyer Jaxen was baptized this morning at Catalina Foothills. We are so blessed to be a part of this church. We are supported by so many and our children are loved. Today, Pastor Mark baptized Sawyer (he married Jason and I and baptised Trinity). It was a wonderful service that began with the children's choir singing. This entertained Trinity and she did quite well waiting for our turn to stand up. She clapped with the music and at one point put her hand up in the air during a praise song (she saw someone in front doing that and decided to do it as well). Sawyer is wearing the baptism gown my mom made 22 years ago for all the grand kids. He was baptized with Jordan River water and he handled the water in his face very very well!!!! After we prayed and said amen.. Trinity proclaimed AMEN (her arms go up in the air every time she says amen). It was a wonderful service and I hope some of the pictures captured our adorable little boy!! I love the verse in Matthew and as a mother it is awesome to think about the children coming to Jesus. A friend told me, I bet they came dirty, snotty and having a tantrum and Jesus just held his arms out and let them come. How awesome it is to know - we are all Kingdom kids!!!!!!

Sawyer Jaxen (6 months old)

Love this boy :)

You always need one crazy family shot.. at least we are all looking

My two handsome men

he loves sticking his tongue out.. cracks me up

special little Mohawk..

both tongues are out.. and just in case you didn't get enough water on you..Cash wants to baptize you again

mommy and daddy love you little man... you bring so much joy to our hearts!!