Jeremiah 29:11

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas .. 2012

" For unto us a child is born; unto us a son is given"

Our Christmas was extra special this year. Grandma came to visit and meet Sawyer (grandchild #10). This is the first time she has been able to spend this holiday with our family and we are happy she is here for a bit longer. We feel so blessed as family and friends filled our tree with presents from near and far. Sawyer enjoyed his first Christmas by sleeping his normal 11 hours and then joining the family for some presents before his nap. Trinity was overwhelmed with excitement. It was so much stimulation that she started to hyperventilate and went in the other room to calm down before her nap. It was such a joy to watch her excitement with each and every present. She really made the day special with all her enthusiasm and joyful spirit. Watching her imagination work as she played with her toys was a treat!
We are thankful for our salvation and enjoyed celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior.... and reminded of that incredible day when a baby was born in a manger.

Its fort time under the table .. "pome (come) daddy and gamma"

Sweet Sawyer on Christmas Eve

Sawyer and Grandma
Merry Christmas!!!!

Trinity got "george" the curious little monkey :)

Trinity loved helping everyone unwrap

"football mama"

Her little vanity is singing to her!!

Go Blue

Sawyers first Christmas

Trinity putting all the food on her shelf with Grandma

Top to shop with the baby in her buggy.. she would say "bye bye".. push cart to the door and say "home" come back and get more groceries from her market!!

Grandma rocking the little man

Christmas dinner.. the first one I ever prepared.. hopefully the first of many!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Happy Birthday Trinity

Good morning Birthday Girl

What is going on... BALLOONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love the balloons .. I haven't even seen the slide yet

balloons then slide... such a busy fun filled day ahead
Jason cut out the wooden #2 and I put a bunch of her pictures from the last year all over it!!

sweet birthday girl

I asked her to smile.. she did it real quick and then said  "no more momma"
Swiping food from daddy

mmmmm cupcake time

She eats it from the frosting down.. then when the cake is left with no frosting she says "all done"

her awesome birthday shades from grandma.. rockin the look 
Wow it is hard to believe that she is two years old already. Time is going by so fast. She has changed so much in two years (even in two months), I can't imagine how quickly the next years will fly by. She is loving on Sawyer more and more and loves looking for him in his crib and calling his name. She has had a vocabulary explosion as of late and never stops talking (I was told the quiet game will save my sanity one day). She is very creative and we love watching her imagination as she plays with toys and colors. We have been so blessed by this joyful gift and can't wait to see the plans God has for her life. We had a few friends over to celebrate her entering the "terrific twos"!!! We are so grateful for the people in our lives and those that love our little girl!!!