Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, September 30, 2012

He arrived!! Sept 12, 2012

Sawyer Jaxen 9/12/12 8lbs 12oz 21inches
Sleepy baby
Yeah he gets to come home!! Only 6 nights in the NICU

The look on Trinity's face. YES that's a frown!! (thinking, who is that and why is he in my car)
Checking out the new little brother

We are so happy to have him home.

Trinity got a big sister kitchen!!!

Her "job" is to turn on his music!!
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
                                                                     Psalm 139:13-14

Sawyer Jaxen decided September 12, 2012  was a good birthday. He weighed 8lbs 12 oz and was 21 inches. The evening after he was born he became hypoglycemic and they decided he would be best in the NICU. We were blessed with an amazing staff of NICU nurses and doctors that took care of him. He spent 6 nights in the NICU and came home on September 18 a very healthy baby boy.

Trinity spent the first week ignoring her little brothers existence. I imagine it won't be the last time she ignores him. She finally gave in and figured out he is here to stay and she might as well love him. She holds him and gives him kisses now. She loves helping with diaper changes and anything we ask. She is enjoying being a big sister (I think).

We are just so happy to have him home we really haven't gone anywhere since he came home. We have been showered with meals from my church bible study so we have just been able to enjoy our family. We are so grateful for good friends that helped us through the NICU time and since we have been home. We really feel blessed and loved.

Sawyer is very laid back so far and really doesn't fuss much at all. This is great because Trinity keeps us on our toes. I think he just goes along for the ride. As long as he is clean and fed he is happy.
We will try to update the blog each month and inform all family and friends of our crazy fun times as a family of 4 or 5.. we count the dog!!!