Jeremiah 29:11

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Ready and Waiting

Sweet sleepy hugs with Daddy

It was close to nap time and she was playing in her room.. I found her sound asleep

Blessed with a child who LOVES bath time and water

Trinity taunts Cash with the cracker.. poor dog

Trinity has so much fun coloring and stamping her paper

Painting the shelf Jason made for the nursery

All sorts of pregnant and ready to meet our little man face to face

Trinity is helping Daddy figure out where the screws should go to attach the shelf

Two beggars... for watermelon

Sawyers Nursery all put together

From the door

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We got the range baskets

Trinity loves the grass rug and lays on it at least once a day.
I am surprised she hasn't fallen asleep on it (soooo soft).

Our August is going along.. for me it seems to be taking forever!!! Trinity is growing like crazy and is ALL over the place. She climbs on everything and then just sits and waits for you to find her (she is so proud) only to be told to please get down because she is up to high. She has an infinite vocabulary ... she has started to say every word we ask her to say and lots of word associations. I love finding her reading by herself or with Cash. She reads out loud and is very animated. I have learned that cleaning with her is an adventure. I put things away and she takes them back out as if she discovered the newest play toy. Currently she is running with the colander from the kitchen and throwing it on the tile floor b/c it makes such a pretty sound. I usually find a stash of Tupperware in Sawyers room at some point during the day ( I think she is adding her decorating touches).  The nursery is complete.. just need some pictures of our little man to go in the frames :) ... We are about 35 weeks along and start our once a week appointments on Monday. No indication so far when he will join the party... we are anxiously awaiting our little mans arrival.  We have decided to become "super cool" and get rid of our BMW for a rear air conditioned mini van. We like to say its because of the kids (it doesn't sound great to say we want one). It is a great excuse to have a vehicle that will provide enough room to fit huge amounts of plywood and material from Lowe's ... and make frequent trips to pick up furniture for me to paint. So I suppose it is for the kids not our hobbies. It also means we can have company.... HAHA.. who knew toddler seats and infant car seats could really take up the entire backseat (no middle seat.. in vanished to about 4 inches between seats.
Keep us in your prayers this month. That Sawyer continues to grow and for our health. That we prepare Trinity as best we can for this new addition to our family. Also, that Jason can balance.. work..masters.. Trinity and a new baby!!!
Our next blog will be introducing Sawyer Jaxen!!!