Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Our Family is Growing

We feel so blessed to announce that we are expecting a special little baby in September. We have been able to have several ultrasounds and really enjoy seeing our new little one. Trinity is proudly sporting her "big sis" shirt around. We know this is going to be some crazy fun with two under the age of two!!! Now that we are 13 weeks along Jason is excited to take blue/pink cupcakes into work to make the announcement to his friends and I will be doing the same at bible study this week.
Trinity is growing so fast and doing so much. She is walking all over and even loves to kick her ball around. She does the motions for the nursery rhymes she learns at babytime (at the library) it is super cute. She "roaaaaaaaaaaars" with the lion in her favorite book (thank goodness we took a break from pat the bunny... it is now a car book to give us a break).

We are super excited to have our niece Arianna coming out next week. She has opted to spend her spring break with her coolest uncle and aunt.... we can't wait!

We ask that as this new journey begins... to pray for us and pray for this amazing little baby as it grows and develops. We also pray for wisdom as we teach Trinity about being a big sister and the transition that is fast approaching.