Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, February 13, 2012

"Soooo Big Soooo Fast"

We have had fun times since the last blog. Trinity has a total of 7 teeth now and loves showing them to the camera!! She is jib jabbering all the time about everything!! We love listening to her waking up as she starts to play with stuffed animals and talks with them before we go in and get her. Trinity LOVES music, she really enjoys dancing (which is super cute) and she now will dance and look at the piano waiting for one of us to play a song (she also loves to add her own notes to the song). Trinity is super cautious but took 3 steps on her own today, I still think it will be awhile because she realizes that she can crawl so much faster than walking. Trinity's favorite toy right now are her blocks. At first she just loved knocking them down but now she is so proud of herself when she successfully puts a block on top. Grandpa came to visit this last month and Trinity loved all the attention and hugs from him. They played and played and played..... Trinity crawled around the house looking for Grandpa the day he left (trying to find her big play toy). We don't have much planned for the rest of this month but hoping for lots of park days with friends.