Jeremiah 29:11

Saturday, October 22, 2011

We don't take enough pictures? sept-nyc-pumpkins

I apologize for not getting a chance to update everyone with photos etc... since the end of August. I hope the gazillion pictures I post will suffice. I will try to briefly fill in some details since my last post. In September I submitted Trinity's photo to NBC for a baby photo contest. We thought it was GREAT they showed her photo for 2 seconds on t.v. when talking about the contest (forgot all about the actual contest part). I started a women's bible study at church and it is an amazing study with a great group of women. I also started training for the rock in roll half marathon in January (its in phoenix). It was my birthday and lots of fun busy stuff that month. Jason is continuing his Masters studies and getting A's of course (we are proud of him for managing his time/studies/work and family). Moving into October... a producer notified me that Trinity made the top 10 cutest babies and the public would vote for the top 5 (out of almost 38 thousand entries). Trinity was on local news and all family and friends shamelessly promoted her and asked people to vote (thank you). She managed to get on the local news and was then spotted around town at a craft fair and Starbucks (a little celebrity). Crazy as it is... she made the top 5 and was asked to go to NYC. We were ecstatic and shocked and just feel so blessed for this awesome opportunity. NYC in 3 days is crazy and fun. We left on Jason's birthday.. he was willing to forfeit 3 hours of his birthday with the time change. We met a few famous people and Trinity did great for her 3 seconds on the show!! We enjoyed exploring time square, china town and little Italy in the time we had. We came home to great Grammy and Papa (Trinity's great grandparents.. and her name sake grandpa.. (Carolina)..). It was absolutely wonderful to have visitors and Trinity adored them. They laughed and played and made silly faces all day long. Jason and Grandpa worked on projects around the house and built a screen door. Ginny and I had a blast shopping and talking... (boy can we shop). It was sad to see them go! We miss you and are soooo thankful y'all got to come down! Trinity is still clapping away with her hands.. and has now added her bye bye and hi wave to the mix... We just celebrated 4 years of marriage and have been so blessed we pray for many more. Today we ventured to the pumpkin patch... HOT but fun!!! Hope you enjoyed the pictures!!! I promise to do more blogs so not to put 50 pictures on one post... who says once you have a baby your life is gone.. ours is quite busy and fun!!! Wouldn't have it any other way!!!