Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Today is a wonderful day in which we honor our mothers. As a new mom I realize all the hard work that goes with the title. One of the best things I learned from my mother is to laugh and find joy in yourself and your kids. All the stresses in life seem to disappear when I see that little face.

In honor of mothers day I thought I would write a short list of reflections over the past few months of being a mother. Yes, it is okay to laugh b/c during the last few months we needed to laugh a lot!!!

1. I never knew I would sing a song about my baby's bodily functions as I take her to the changing table.

2. I found that those adorable little fingers have razor sharp nails that I can only cut while she is sleeping.

3. A smile at 5am seems to make it okay that I am up at 5am....

4. I never thought I would be excited to find a deal on laundry detergent only to find out later that I have 187 loads of fabric softener.

5. I find it interesting that I get everyone ready to go and packed in the car and realize I am still in my pajamas.

6. I have discovered that if I use the word "PLAN" out loud in front of Trinity.. somehow it will NOT happen.

7. I sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider over and over and over again just because she giggles

8. My arm is now able to stretch into the backseat and hold a rattle for miles and miles

9. I am so excited to take a bath because she is napping and the following occurs??

a. Turn water on and forget

b. Turn just the hot water on which results in high pitched screaming and red feet

c. Actually leave my socks on and get into the tub

d. YES.. all the above... it is true... the baby has taken my brain

10. The greatest moment of my day is when she snuggles her head under my neck and falls asleep.