Jeremiah 29:11

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Social Butterfly

We really enjoyed having Trinity's cousin Arianna with us for her spring break. We all had lots of fun and had game night a few times a week. As you can see with the pictures Trinity is growing and full of smiles. She also is developing an adorable little giggle that we love to hear. She loves talking (cooing) and telling us all about her day and night. We are getting ready for more company this weekend. Trinity is one popular little girl with lots of people who love her.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sky Diving Cousins

Arianna was surprised as we took her for a special experience. Indoor skydiving at skyventure arizona. Arianna was all suited up and got to do 2 flight sessions!!! Arianna was a natural and did great in the tunnel. She was smiling the whole time!! On her last turn the instructor took her and the went way high swirling round and round and would bounced down and back up (we took video). Trinity loved the sound the wind tunnel made and vibrating floor. It put her right to sleep, ear plugs and all. So far so good!! We are having a wonderful time and Trinity is loving her cousin!!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Feet Zurburt!!!!

We discovered Miss Trinity's reaction to zurburts this afternoon and it kept us entertained!!!We blew zurburts on her feet and her eyes get huge, and then she smiles!!! I of course cannot contain my laughter!!! This is a test video if it does not work we will try again.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"Let the children come to me" Matthew 19:14

We had a wonderful visit with Alabama Grandma. Trinity enjoyed snuggling, playing and smiling with Grandma. Trinity did very well with some trips out and about around town to break up her routine.

A Covenant Child

This weekend was very special as Trinity was baptized on March 6, 2011. On Sunday she traveled to church in her slip, wrapped in a pretty white blanket made by Grandma Gates. Once at the church she put on her gown made by my mom, her Grandma 20 years ago. It has been worn by all of my nieces. She wore her very special heart necklace from Grammy and Papa for this special day.

I had this perfect plan to get to the church early to feed her and rock her to sleep. Then I would transfer her to Jason and she would sleep through the baptism or wake up just in time (happy because she slept). The key word to remember in this is "plan" yes I said I made a plan. I should know by now that nothing goes as planned when you have a baby. I fed her and she fell asleep for 2 minutes and was too distracted to go down again (she also missed her first nap of the day.. not good). She began to scream..... and scream..... and scream... tears streaming down her little face. No consoling, rocking, bouncing was going to make this better but we tried. Finally with one song left and a long prayer before her debut her eyes shut. So Jason and I slipped in the back to take our seats. We opened the door and BAM.. her eyes opened, bright eyed and ready... ready for what was ... exactly what I was wondering. Not a peep, I am praying like crazy for her to be happy and for the pastoral prayer to end (longest one of my life). The baptism began. She was sprinkled with water from the Jordan River my parents collected in 1990. She was happy, alert and quiet through the entire baptism. It was a wonderful service and we feel so blessed. On that same day we were reminded of how this can all come around from baptism to a profession of faith. My niece Tabitha made profession of faith that same day in Grand Rapids. For Jason and I it is such a beautiful example of how God works in our lives and gives us the hope that we will see Trinity make the same profession in her future. We are proud and happy parents and uncle and aunt this week!!!