Jeremiah 29:11

Friday, January 28, 2011

Grandma came to town

We had a great week with Jason's mom. She was able to meet Trinity and share in our joy. Jason loved showing off his little princess to her Grandma. Trinity started smiling last week so she was able to see lots of smiles from our bright eyed baby. We made a few trips out of the house to the Desert Museum, Kohl's and the mall. They were big days for Trinity but she did as well as we expected (she only lasts for about 1.5 hours)!!! I had my 6 week check up and everything is going well (blood pressure is back to being low.. YEAH!!!!) and I have the go ahead to exercise. We are looking forward to lots of family walks and runs.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Discovering her world

Trinity is starting to smile and makes fun noises when she is happy and content. We have not met our goal of both of us being ready for the day by 9am. I am guessing that was a little too ambitious but one day we will make it!!! She is letting me sleep about 5 hours straight at night recently and although that's not a lot it is very nice!!! We are enjoying the weather and have been able to go on walks and Jason is enjoying his jogging stroller! She is staying awake for longer and is bright eyed looking around at EVERYTHING... but especially interested in lights and the ceiling fan!!! We are relaxing and preparing for company visiting next week!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

One Month Already

Wow, four weeks flew by. It does not seem like 4 weeks to me.... I guess time really does fly. This journey so far has been amazing. We are adjusting daily to this new little person who blesses us with diapers, screams, sleepless days/nights, laughter and awe. Every day we grow as a family.

Trinity is growing well and eating like a champ. I had a great night when she slept for 5 straight hours (keep in mind she had been awake for about 10 hours prior to that). We are introducing her to a pacifier this week. I think we have found one that she likes... (3rd time is a charm). Hopefully she will start to take it in the next few weeks. This will ease up the time she spends with me and will make her last longer with others (being happy). She currently is fond of sleeping in her car seat and not in her crib or cradle. I think she feels the sides of the seat are holding her in. This could be a hard/bad habit to break but for our sanity it works!!!

She has visited both of our work offices and friends. She has had a number of visitors and is one popular little girl!!! We are adjusting as Jason went back to work.... its going well!!! Every day we get out of our pajamas an hour earlier then the day before. Our goal is to make it by 9 a.m. by next week (but who knows).

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Welcome 2011

We rang in the New Year with a wild party consisting of us, a movie and popcorn. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!

It has been three weeks since Trinity arrived. Today she weighed in at 9lbs 7oz at the Doctors office. This is wonderful news!!! She was not gaining weight when we first took her home, so we were pumping and having to use a small tube in addition to normal feedings to get her weight up. She is a content but lethargic eater. She eats for 5 minutes and falls asleep for 3 hours.... so now we have her eating longer and gaining weight. We NO LONGER have to use the tube and she can eat normal now and it is not a two person job... just me!! This will relieve the feeding stress we have had, she didn't like the tube in her mouth. We feel very blessed to have a healthy little girl who is very content and happy!!! We are also grateful to not have another dr. appointment until her 2 month check up (2 appointments a week is not great for co-pays).

Jason is home for this week before returning to work. It is great to be able to have him home for this long and helping out. He is wonderful with Trinity and is a diaper changing machine (he is way quicker than I am and so far has changed more of her diapers).