Jeremiah 29:11

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Baby's room before

This is the baby's room before we have done anything to it. The bookshelf was found at a used bookstore. I can't wait to paint it and make something cute for her room. Jason has the task of chair-rails and crown molding in his future. Cash snuck into the picture he is very excited about all the change.

Latest Ultrasound

Here's the ultrasound from July 12, 2010! They told us we were having a girl:)

Our New Blog

We are excited to begin this new journey in our life. People tell us that our lives are going to change forever. We both decided we were ready for a change!! We have been so blessed so far in this pregnancy and we know that God has a plan. When we found out we were having a girl we were both overjoyed!! We are hoping that this blog will help with the distance and each of you will feel a part of our lives. We hope to keep this blog going as our baby girl grows, updating you with pictures and stories.